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If you forget your Username or Password, you can recover them online, just click the "Need help logging in?" link.

If your email/contact information changed, please update your account to ensure UGN has your current information.

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Welcome to the UGN Supplier Portal.

Access to this site is strictly limited to registered suppliers. If you are a current supplier and are not yet registered as a user, please Click Here   to receive your login information via email.

Having trouble logging in???? On your computer go to: Tools->Compatibility View It seems that when Internet Explorer updated last time, a lot of websites were not compatible with the new setting.

UGN is committed to produce and supply the automotive industry with world class quality and cost competitive products. The Supplier Portal is a valuable tool to improve communications with our supply base. You are encouraged to register and visit this information at least once a month.

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UGN, INC. | 2650 Warrenville Road, Suite 300 | Downers Grove, IL 60515 | p: 773.437.2400 | f: 773.437.2401
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